2019, №2 Physical geography Hasanov M.S., Ragimov M.K., Gadiyev Y.J. – Long-term climate fluctuations and assessment of the impact of modern climate change on the climatic and agroclimatic resources of the Lankaran region Ismayilov M.J., Jabrayilov E.A. – Landscape-ecological diversity and carcass model of specially protected natural areas in Azerbaijan Khalilov H.A., Sadikhova N.A. – Unique natural and anthropogenic ecotourism objects of the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic Asgarova M.M. – The current condition of physicochemical parameters of soils usable for cotton cultivating in the Mughan-Salyan plain Mardanov İ.İ., Agayev T.D., Eldarov N.Şh. – Research of eco geomorphological factors of the transformation of mountain-forest landscapes of the north-eastern part of Greater Caucasus Malikov A.A. – Analysis of the modern ecological condition of the Lankaranchay river based on biogenic and microbiological information Mamedaliyeva V.M. – Identification of the state of vegetation based on the processing of satellite images of the different years with using ENVI program Human geography Eminov Z.N., Abasova L.M. – Administrative region centers of Azerbaijan and the features of their social-demographic development Mammadov M.Kh. – Territorial differentiation of economic and ecological state in the regions of Azerbaijan and the ways of sustainable development Tahirova H.M. – Resettlement of rural population and the features of demographic development in the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic Bayramov T.Sh. – Socioeconomic development and migration processes in the economic-geographic region of Guba-Khachmaz Mammadov I.B. – The main tendencies of the demographıc development in Europe and the role of mıgrations in this process Badalova Kh.A. – The territorial organization and internal differences of infrastructure in Sheki-Zaqatala economic geographic region of the Republic of Azerbaijan Toponimics Bandaliyev V.N. – Study of microoronyms of the Upland Shirvan (microoronyms reflecting positive landforms)