Geography and Natural Resources



Abstract. The article deals with natural increase rate and overall population growth for the period of 1990-2015, migration processes, the employment rate of the po­pu­lation at working age in the Guba-Khachmaz eco­no­mic-geogra­phi­cal region. In the given map the number of new and permanent workplaces, the rate of employ­ment po­pulation is shown by the economic-geographical of the region and its five districts.

The paper concerns also measure implemented in the framework of the State Program on socio-economic development, and the new jobs created in the studied region aimed at improving the living of the population. The availability of adequate labor resources in the re­gi­on, as well as the creation of new jobs and the con­ver­gen­ce of services sectors with the needs of the po­pu­la­tion, create the conditions for demographic development. Low socio-economic conditions of life of the population are one of the reasons for the increase in migration. The article also shows the socio-economic problems created by migration, as well as the ways for regulating de­mo­graphic development.

Keywords: natural and overall increase, migration, region, socio-economic development, economic and ad­ministrative district.


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