H.A.Khalilov, N.A.Sadigova
Abstract. This article describes the various specially protected areas, which conserve such unique objects, as a natural monument, as well as their protection for the development of ecological tourism in the area. Today, eco-tourism is becoming one of the fastest-growing sectors of the tourism industry. In accordance with the principles of the well-known ecotourism, it’s main objects include both the material- cultural monuments and natural monuments. All-natural monuments have great potential in the development of ecotourism, and their characters are divided into types. It would be rational to carry out certification of each monument of the nature. It is necessary to preserve the whole environment in the territory of protected areas to satisfy the requirement of people willing to be in contact with the nature. The article discusses and defines ecological tourism, and examines its development in the territory of the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic. Given the considerable richness and diversity of the natural resources of the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic, the potential for the development of tourism in the region is grounded.
Keywords: ecotourism, architectural monuments, natural monuments, karst caves, endemic, extrusive, intrusive.
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