Geography and Natural Resources


H.A.Khalilov, N.A.Sadigova

Abstract. This article describes the various spe­ci­ally protected areas, which conserve such unique objects, as a natural monument, as well as their protection for the development of ecological tourism in the area. Today, eco-tourism is becoming one of the fastest-growing sec­tors of the tourism industry. In accordance with the prin­ci­ples of the well-known ecotourism, it’s main ob­jects in­clude both the material- cultural monuments and na­tural monuments. All-natural monuments have great po­ten­tial in the development of ecotourism, and their cha­rac­ters are divided into types. It would be rational to car­ry out certification of each monument of the nature. It is necessary to preserve the whole environment in the ter­ri­tory of protected areas to satisfy the requirement of pe­ople willing to be in contact with the na­ture. The article discusses and defines ecological tou­rism, and examines its development in the territory of the Nakhchivan Au­to­nomous Republic. Given the con­si­derable richness and diversity of the natural resources of the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic, the potential for the development of tourism in the region is grounded.

Keywords: ecotourism, architectural monuments, na­tural monuments, karst caves, endemic, extrusive, in­trusive.


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