Geography and Natural Resources



Z.N. Eminov, H.M.Tahirova

[email protected]

Abstract. Settlement of the population and the de­velopment of socio-demographic processes in the Nakh­chivan Autonomous Republic (AR) are related to eco­nomic factors. Migration of the population is one of the main indicators of settlement of population economic and socio-demographic development. That is way, mig­ration occurs as a result of political, economic, social and demographic processes and seriously affects the de­mographic situation. From this point of view, one of the important tasks is the regulation of resettlement and migration processes, their management in accordance with the socio-economic development and demographic security of the country’s regions.

In the AR in the first years of independence, socio-economic difficulties caused the increase in migration activity. During this period, the most migratory intensity was noted among the rural population. From the AR, the migration flow of the population was directed mainly to the urban settlements of the region and beyond.

In recent years, as a result of economic and social measures, the migration intensity of the population in the Absheron region and the countries near abroad has decreased. These processes have a positive effect on the development of population resettlement. The article analyzes settlements and migration pro­cesses gives recommendations and proposals for their regulation.


Keywords: migration, rural settlement, urban settle­ment, demographic development, natural increase, so­cio-economic situation.



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Publication Date: March 1, 2021

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