Geography and Natural Resources




Summary. The article provides information about the areas of grey soils in the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic and their environmental problems. Due to the mountainous terrain of the Autonomous Republic, the soil and vegetation cover is distinguished by diversity. At the same time, the continental climate of the area is characterized by poor vegetation. In the Autonomous Republic, more than 70 percent of land resources are distributed in the plains and foothills, and grey soils (type, subtype, etc.) occupy a large area in the area. There are light grey, ordinary grey, primitive grey and ancient irrigated types of grey soils in the area. The main part of the article reflects the theoretical issues of the formation of grey soils in the area and the processes of degradation (salinization, erosion, swamping, anthro­po­genic, etc.) that disrupt fertility. As a result, the ecological problems of grey soils in the plains and foothills of the autonomous republic were studied and several suggestions and recommendations were made to increase soil fertility.

Keywords: degradation, natural, anthropogenic, soil, type, subtype, erosion, salinization, waterlogging, irrigation



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Publication Date: October 28, 2022

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