Abstract. If you look at the indicators of the horizontal fragmentation of relief you can make a statement that the horizontal fragmentation of relief affects not only the erosion network but also the area of separated slopes. Thus, as an erosion network, its distribution area affects the horizontal fragmentation of relief. The analysis of the density map shows that with the help of quantitative indicators of these lines it is difficult to determine the relationship of elements of relief with endogenous processes. The nature of the density of the distribution is mainly related to the lithological and petrological composition of the rock type, the relief, the number of atmospheric sediments, and the slope of the relief. During the research, the results of morphometric studies, conducted with the aim of assessing the state of the relief of the Lankaran basin, were analyzed and the main indicators were analyzed. This information has a scientific value as factual material when studying the degree of fragmentation of local relief and can be used in economic planning, the study of exogenous processes, and mapping of morphosculpture.
Keywords; relief, slope, inclination, morphometric analysis, horizontal fragmentation.
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Publication Date: December 15, 2021
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