Abstract. The development of economic sectors and their rational structure in economic regions allows the use of their natural, economic, and demographic potential. Also, these measures are of particular importance for increasing the specific weight of individual regions in the socio-economic and economic development of the country. In the Lankaran-Astara economic region, which is poorly provided with natural resources, but has a high demographic potential, formation of the secondary sector of the economy is considerably conditioned by its natural and geographical condition. The rich agro-climatic resources, fertile soils favor the development of citrus fruit growing, vegetable growing, tea growing, wine-growing and other agricultural sectors. Industrial objects operate on the basis of the processing of these industries. However, during the transition period, economic and economic crisis observed in the territory has been reflected in difficulties in the establishment of the industrial and agrarian sectors. The conducted agricultural reforms in the region allowed re-establish economic areas and improve their structure. This postivley affected ensuring of employment.
Keywords: economic region, economic structure, industry, agriculture, economic reforms, new jobs, natural-economical potential.
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Publication Date : January 27, 2020