Abstract. The article is devoted to the study of the existing risks for the ecosystem of the territories liberated from the occupation Karabakh. As a result of the victory achieved in Garabagh, the Azerbaijani people restored their historical rights, justice and international laws. Since the beginning of the 18th century, an aggressive policy of nationalism has been carried out against Azerbaijanis with the use of Armenians – this is creeping aggression, military aggression and cartographic toponymic aggression.
In the occupied territories, the Armenian invaders inflicted such monstrous and deep wounds on the environment, biological and landscape diversity that their partial recovery is possible only after many years. Conducting ecological terror (ecocide) in the occupied territories, the Armenians plundered nature reserves, reserves, fauna and flora, tried to destroy endemic, relict and endangered species.
During the occupation of Garabagh and the surrounding areas, dangerous risks arose for historical and geographical names of Azerbaijani-Turkic origin. Since the 30s of the twentieth century, Armenian nationalists began to en masse change (armenianize) the Turkic-Azerbaijani geographical names in the historical Azerbaijani lands (Western Azerbaijan, Garabag, etc.). As a result, more than 15,000 place names (macro, meso and microtoponyms) of Turkic etymology were subjected to toponymic genocide.
Keywords: aggressive policy, deportation, genocide, ethnic cleansing, ecological terror (ecocide), cartographic-toponymic aggression, armenization of geographical names (toponyms).
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Publication Date: December 15, 2021
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