Geography and Natural Resources



Abstract. The article is devoted to the study of the existing risks for the ecosystem of the ter­ritories liberated from the occupation Karabakh. As a result of the victory achieved in Garabagh, the Azerbaijani people restored their historical rights, justice and international laws. Since the beginning of the 18th century, an aggressive policy of natio­nalism has been carried   out against Azerbaijanis with the use of Armenians – this is creeping ag­gression, military aggression and cartographic to­ponymic aggression.

In the occupied territories, the Armenian inva­ders inflicted such monstrous and deep wounds on the environment, biological and landscape diver­sity that their partial recovery is possible only after many years. Conducting ecological terror (ecocide) in the occupied territories, the Armenians plun­dered nature reserves, reserves, fauna and flora, tried to destroy endemic, relict and endangered species.

During the occupation of Garabagh and the sur­rounding areas, dangerous risks arose for historical and geographical names of Azerbaijani-Turkic ori­gin. Since the 30s of the twentieth century, Ar­me­nian nationalists began to en masse change (ar­me­nianize) the Turkic-Azerbaijani geographical na­mes in the historical Azerbaijani lands (Western Azerbaijan, Garabag, etc.). As a result, more than 15,000 place names (macro, meso and micro­to­ponyms) of Turkic etymology were subjected to to­ponymic genocide.


Keywords: aggressive policy, deportation, ge­nocide, ethnic cleansing, ecological terror (eco­ci­de), cartographic-toponymic aggression, armeniza­tion of geographical names (toponyms).



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Publication Date: December 15, 2021

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