V.M.Mammadaliyeva, V.R.Nasirova
Abstract. The article is devoted to the identification of deposits of iron minerals, as well as the degree of their influence on the health of forest vegetation. In the course of the study, on the basis of multispectral satellite images, the spectral indices FM Ratio, which is an indicator of the reserves of iron minerals, and the SIPI index, reflecting the degree of plant health, were determined. After calculating the SIPI index, all forest vegetation areas were classified into three polygons: healthy, damaged and destroyed. Based on the results of processing, we can say that over 25 years the area of healthy forests and vegetation increased by 1273 hectares, damaged – decreased by 2290 hectares, and destroyed increased by 1 018 hectares. According to the table for ferrous iron compounds based on the calculation of the FM Ratio index in the Dashkesan region for 1986-2011, this type of mineral decreased by 13.23 hectares in the zone of healthy forest vegetation, increased by 36 hectares in damaged areas, and decreased by 1408 hectares in destroyed forests. Based on these results, it can be said that this type of mineral mainly influenced all classes of forest vegetation.
Keywords: iron minerals, forests health, multispectral images, spectral indices, FM Ratio, SIPI
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Publication Date: March 1, 2021
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