Geography and Natural Resources



Abstract. The article discusses the problems of tech­nogenic pollution that damage the environment arising from the long-term operation and the ways of their res­to­ra­tion in the north-eastern part of the Lesser Caucasus with rich minerals. During the exploitation of these resources on the territory of the Dashkeskansky district in which these are the most common, giant heaps are formed, which in turn will eliminate large areas of pasture, forest and cultivated areas. Technogenic waste from the mi­ning industry, which develops through the use of its re­sources, iron ore, marble, alunite (Zailik), etc. plays a key role in the degradation of the natural environment of the territory. The basis of the work is a scientific study of the problem of cleaning the territory of collected tech­nogenic waste and its use in various fields (land recla­mation, road construction, etc.).

Keywords: technogenic pollution, terricon hills, iron ore, reclamation, alunite.



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Publication Date: August 30, 2020

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