I.I.Mardanov, T.D.Agayev, N.Sh.Eldarov
Abstract. In this article, based on the processing of field research materials and space images, the features of the exodynamic environment formed on the territory are analyzed, and the possibilities of studying exogenous processes are shown. As a result of processing satellite images, a map of the horizontal dismembering of the territory on a scale of 1: 200000 was compiled, and on the basis of this map an attempt was made to identify the most stressful in regard to eco geomorphologically territories. During the research period, based on the accumulated information, the degrees of landscape transformation in the mountain-forest belt of the north-eastern slope of the Greater Caucasus are grouped, the temporal dynamics of mountain forest densities is shown, the factors affecting the transformation of these landscapes are analyzed, the degrees of fragmentation and uniformity of landslide landscapes developing on the territory are determined to research.
Keywords: north-eastern part, mountain-forest belt, exodynamic process, video recordings, landscapes, landslides
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