Geography and Natural Resources


G.N.Hajiyeva, Z.İ.Eyyubova

Abstract. Recently, in connection with the development of ag­riculture, some eco-geography problems have been cre­ated, at the result of the happened differences in the na­tural-geographycal environment connected with the economic and infrastructure projects which have been implemented in the mountain geosystems areas of the south-eastern slope of the Great Caucasus. This article is about the research changes in various rate formed in soils, because of the close settlement of the people for a long time, in connection with favorable relief and clima­te of the area. Here, the scientific bases of eco-geograp­hical problems in the used soils (erosion the soils, their quality category) as the result of the intensive appro­pri­ation of the area during the last decades and their op­ti­mization are investigated.


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