Geography and Natural Resources


R.M.Gashgay, F.S.Sultanova, R.L.Isayeva

Abstract. In the article, in order to analyze the state of river runoff, all observational data were divided into three periods: until 1960, from 1961 to 1990, from 1991 to 2016. We came to the conclusion that changes in the flow rate by periods in different regions of Azerbaijan are not unambiguous and that an increase or decrease is observed. A decrease in river runoff in the lower parts of rivers does not yet indicate a decrease in water resources but indicates that they have been redistributed over the territory. However, there were some changes in the distribution of runoff within the year. At the same time, long-term cyclical fluctuations in runoff show that in recent years, cases of a decrease in the relative water content of runoff to minimum values have become more frequent. This is apparently due to some decrease in precipitation. Along with the above, the article discusses ways to provide arid zones with hydraulic structures and suggests the most optimal conditions for the cons­truc­tion of reservoirs.

Keywords: arid region, water resources, rivers, wa­ter consumption, the volume of water flow


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Publication Date: August 30, 2020

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