Geography and Natural Resources


M.H.Gojamanov, A.I.Ismayilov

Abstract. Almost any engineering and economic problem sol­ved on the physical surface of the Earth, underground, as well as in space requires its geodetic support. After gaining independence, numerous communication pro­jects of national and transnational importance have been carried out in the territory of our Republic. Transnati­onal communication projects in Azerbaijan require a spe­cial approach to the development of methods of their ge­o­detic support. Coordinate systems are one of the impor­tant elements of geodetic support, which are based on geodetic projections. Therefore, before to begin to develop new methods of geodetic support it is very important to analyze the status of existing geodetic projections used in production at present time.

The article assesses the accuracy of the indicators of geodetic projections used in Azerbaijan, as well as recommendations on the choice of optimal geodetic projection.

Keywords: transnational communication, geodetic supply, geographical center, composition, cartographic distortions, geodetic projection


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