Geography and Natural Resources



Abstract. Environmental protection and rational utilization of natural resources are topical issues of the modern era. To this end, each state creates an appropriate monitoring system on its territory and gives instructions to the re­le­vant authorities regarding the conduct of uninterrupted observations. In our country the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Azerbaijan has created the state monitoring system for the environment and natural resources carries out this activity jointly with other relevant executive authorities.

The National Monitoring Department for Envi­ron­ment annually publishes their monitoring results and re­veals them to the relevant state organizations in the form of reports consisting of tables, diagrams, histograms. In our opinion, it would be more concinient and purposeful to present such information in the form of special the­matic maps. The article presents the features of mapping of atmospheric precipitation, based on a specific case of the physical-chemical indicators of 2016.


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