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Adam Abdelsamad

Baku State University, Faculty of Geography. Baku,  Azerbaijan

[email protected]

DOI: 10.59423/gnr.2024.14.28.014


War and political instability in any country are the main factors in stopping the wheel of the economy and its various sectors, including the oil industry. The oil sector has always been a target and has been exposed to destruction and devastation in oil-producing countries that have suffered from wars and political instability, especially in Africa. This study aims to determine the impact of war and political instability on the development of the oil industry in Sudan. To achieve the aims of the study, a descriptive and analytical research approach was relied upon. Primary sources such as observation materials and secondary sources such as report data and statistics on Sudan’s oil sector are analyzed in addition to the review of studies associated with the research subject. The study concluded that war and instability have affected the development of the oil industry in Sudan through several aspects, the most important of which is the destruction of the oil infrastructure.

Keywords: oil industry, war, political, instability, oil company, refinery.


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Çapa qəbul olunub: 15 noyabr 2024

Məqaləni yüklə

Adam Abdelsamad – IMPACT OF WAR AND POLITICAL INSTABILITY ON THE OIL INDUSTRY DEVELOPMENT: THE CASE OF SUDAN. Geography and Natural Resources, №2 (22), 2024, pp. 88-95.