Geography and Natural Resources


Aliyev A.S., Gardashov R.H., Suleymanli D.G.


The article analyzes the behavior of the Caspian Sea level since the beginning of instrumental measurements at the Baku post from 1830 to 2020. In-terannual and intra-annual (seasonal) changes are considered under different sea level regimes. Since the beginning of instrumental observations in the long-term course of the Caspian Sea level, a general downward trend was observed. 7 characteristic periods stand out against the background: a period of relatively stable and high standing, a period of catastrophic decline, a period of slow decline, a period of sharp rise, a period of decline, and the period of the last continuous drop in sea level from 2005 to 2021. Been confirmed the existence of 6 periodicities of sea level fluctuations in 30–35 years, which is observed with small rises. The reasons for sea level fluctuations associated with atmospheric processes over the sea drainage basin are considered. Based on historical materials and climatic factors, it is assumed that the decrease in the level of the Caspian will last at least until the middle of the 21st century.

Keywords: Caspian Sea, instrumental observations, level fluctuations, interannual variability, climate change.



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Publication Date: May 20, 2022

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