Geography and Natural Resources


Mammadov E.E., Feyziyev F.M., Ismailov A.I., Babayev M.P.


Annotation. This study reviews state-of-the art re­garding visible and near-infrared (Vis-NİR) spectro­scopic modeling of soil properties. The main emphasis was given to characterising the principles of Vis-NİR spectroscopy, factors affecting soil spectrum, fun­da­mental vibrations and combinations, preparation of soil samples for spectral measurements, pre-processsing and transformations of the spectral data. Furthermore, mul­tivariate calibration methods, important wavelengths for predictive models and factors affecting model per­for­mances were comprehensively characterized with res­pect to multiple study cases. Spectral reflectance and ab­sorption features of soil is attributed to soil mineralogy, water and organic matter content as well clay type and content. The review of large amount of published stu­dies show that the robustness of the prediction models was dependent multiple factors, such as accurateness of reference data, spectral measurements and pretreatment methods, modeling approach and the number of samples involved in calibration. The main superiority of Vis-NİR spectroscopy is that this technique is non-destructive, cost-effective and cpapble of determining multiple soil properties from a single spectrum. Recent studies have significantly developed methods of calibration and spectral databases that necessitates its application from experimental to operational phase. In spectroscopic mo­deling, linear regression models, especially partial least squares regression model remains most used. Mean­while, the recent development of data mining techniques may pave the way for improving calibration methods.

Keywords: soil properties, reflectance spec­tro­sco­py, calibration methods, overview, wavelength



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Publication Date: October 28, 2022

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