Geography and Natural Resources



Abstract. The article discusses the methodology of horizontal and vertical (surface and deep) fragmentation maps calculated on the basis of 1: 200,000 scale to­po­graphic maps of Talysh geomorphological field, cal­culated by area method, from their harmonization, the distribution of interpolation areas overlapping appro­priate values, the need to move from quantitative to qu­alitative indicators, the role of exodynamic processes in the possible fragmentation of relief, their degree of dominance and, finally, the new content obtained as a result of research – morphological stress (morpho­dyna­mic) map from its reading and analysis. The mechanism of influence of exodynamic processes is described in each of the areas characterized by 8 quality indicators allocated in the area. In the Talysh geosystem, as well as in similar areas the scientific, scientific-applied impor­tance of morphometric research in various areas of the national economy, including in determining the direc­tion of development and impact of exodynamic pro­ces­ses, is emphasized.

Keywords: Talysh geosystem, relief, horizontal fragmentation, vertical fragmentation, morphological stress, exodynamic processes



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Publication Date: December 15, 2021

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