Geography and Natural Resources



Abstract. The article is devoted to the assessment of the maximum daily precipitation on the Absheron Pe­ninsula using the method of joint analysis. The cal­cu­la­tions used the data of four meteorological stations for 1961-2018. This method was first applied in Azerbaijan to calculate rarely repeated hydrometeorological values. It was found that the values of the 1% daily maximum of precipitation, calculated by individual series and the met­hod of joint analysis, differ little from each other. Based on the results of the statistical analysis, the series of maximum daily precipitation from three meteo­rolo­gi­cal stations were combined into one long series and the value of 1% precipitation was calculated. The resulting value was compared with the corresponding values of the individual series. It should be noted that this methodology allows to jo­intly analyze the data of observation points whose sta­tistical parameters are close to each other. In Azerbaijan, hydrometeorological quantities, also maximum daily precipitation is varying according to height.

Keywords: daily maximum precipitation, method of joint analysis, dispersion,  coefficient of variation, coef­ficient of asymmetry, probable values.



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Publication Date: October 5, 2021

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