Geography and Natural Resources


A.A. Aliyev

Annotation. The problem of noise, which has an extremely negative impact on human health through the air gap, has become one of the most pressing global problems in recent decades. Naturally, its main source is the growing number of vehicles in the world, as well as in our republic. Despite the fact that the sound effect has been studied for many years in terms of its impact on the human hearing organs, it has only now been established that noise causes numerous nervous, gastrointestinal, cardiovascular diseases, chronic fatigue, impaired atten­tion and memory, and even reduction in life expectancy by an average of 10-12 years. This concerns especially people engaged in mental work. Considering the seriousness of the problem, the presented article is devoted to the study of the impact of vehicles on human health in the city of Sumgait, the second largest city in the country and the third in area, and on the adjacent Baku-Siyazan highway. It should be noted that the problem under study has been properly studied in a number of countries of the world, but in our country, unfortunately, this issue has not been practically studied.

Keywords: sound range, motor vehicles, noise, observation points, green belts.



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Publication Date: October 28, 2022

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