Geography and Natural Resources




Annotation. The water resources of the Shirvan area are mainly used for irrigation in agriculture, drinking water supply of the population and for certain economic purposes. These economic activities have a great impact on the river regime. Therefore, a serious report on the water resources of the area rivers and its accurate fore­casting is required. The article examines the current state of use of water resources of the Shirvan rivers formed in the territory of the Republic of Azerbaijan and analyzes their hydro­logical characteristics. The main focus is on the efficient use of winter flows of mountain rivers. The article co­vers the hydrological regime of rivers in detail. Against the background of global climate change and the impact of anthropogenic factors, the flow of rivers is declining, precipitation is low during the growing season, the de­mand for water is constantly increasing, and so on. For­ces mountain rivers to make efficient use of winter flows. Our analysis has shown that the winter flows of the Shirvan rivers of the Greater Caucasus are not used ef­ficiently and river flows play a transit role during this period. Taking into account all this and the ecological flow, the option of using the rivers flowing from the study area from the winter flows to the population for sustainable drinking water supply was investigated.

Keywords: water resources, mountain rivers, winter flow, drinking water, ecological flow, treated water, ef­ficient use.



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Publication Date: October 28, 2022

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