Geography and Natural Resources



Abstract. Meaning of the words “Selyan” was flooding washed place, “Sal” Turkish-speaking tribe and “Sal-il” was an annual tribute place. Our toponymists say that the etymology of the Salyan word means the place where the boat sails to the shore. At the moment it is accepted.

The main reason for the late exploration of Salyan’s history was the Kur River displacement. Historico-geo­graphical places of Salyan such as Girkhchirag, Baba­zhanli, Dirov, Karayamanli and Mahmudabad plays the main role.  In the past, these settlements are located on the banks of the Kura River. In ancient times people when were dependent on nature, migrated to the territo­ry of present-day Salyan territory which located in geo­graphical meander. Accordingly, at the end of the 15th century, the population began to settle in the territory of Salyan.


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