Geography and Natural Resources


R.N.Mahmudov, F.S.Dadashova, Z.R.Rasulov


Annotation. The presented article analyzes the meteorological conditions of the Shahdag highland area for 2017-2020, and examines the impact of climate change on these parameters. It was determined that the highest average annual temperature in this period was in 2018 + 3.2 0C. Even in the cold periods of 2018 – January, February, March – a decrease in negative tem­peratures was observed, and in the summer months, a greater increase in temperature was observed. The lowest daily minimum temperatures were -17.80C, -240C, -15.10C, -15.50C in January, February, April, November and December of 2020, respectively. Maximum daily temperatures were high in August, September 2017, and March 2018, June, July, December 2018, April, May, August, and November 2020. The highest average annual rainfall was in 2018, and the lowest annual rainfall was in 2017. The decrease in maximum wind speeds compared to 2017, and compared to 2019, the average annual soil temperature increased in 2017, 2018, 2020. The dynamics of change of meteorological parameters by months for the observed years is given in graphical figures.

Keywords: Shahdag, highlands, temperature, pre­cipitation, wind, soil.



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Publication Date: October 28, 2022

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