Geography and Natural Resources


Nabiyev H.L., Ismailov R.S.


The paper deals with the study of synoptic-climatic conditions of the formation of natural devastating phenomena (debris flows, heavy rainfalls, hailstorms, etc.) on the territories of Eastern-Zangazur and Karabakh economic regions of the Azerbaijan Re-public. It analyses the relationship between the types of atmospheric circulation prevailing over the Europe and the Western Siberia and the synoptic processes playing a big role in the origination of debris flows. It was de-fined that the origination of debris flows is closely connected with the meridional processes of E as classified by Vanhenheim and Dzerdzeyevskiy (12a and 13l). During the days of the occurrence of debris flows, the higher value of meridional index was recorded. In all cases of the formation of debris flows, the positive re-serve of energy of unsustainability was fixed, while the amount of specific humidity considerably grew at all layers of the troposphere, whereas the level of convection reached 300-200 GPa. Beside with this, special attention was paid on the distribution of hailstorms and rainfalls in the studied area. Recommendations on the recovery of network of meteorological points were offered. Ways for reducing of damages posed by debris flows were defined.

Keywords: mudflows, precipitation, atmospheric, circulation, air masses, index, circulation, neridional processes



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Publication Date: May 20, 2022

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