Abstract. In connection with the study of socio-economic factors affecting the employment of both individual administrative units and the entire Sheki-Zagatala region, analyzes of the relevant indicators were carried out, intra-regional differences and advantages were clarified, and existing disadvantages were identified. The geographical features and the level of employment in high mountain areas were studied, and first of all, many problems that played an important role in socio-economic life were considered. Based on the latest statistics on the rational use of the existing labour potential, as well as socio-economic and eco-geographical indicators that affect the population’s employment, an analysis was made of the clarification of the corresponding problems in this direction. After identifying these problems and ways to solve them, the necessary proposals were made and useful recommendations were given.
Keywords: employment, environmental and geographic factors, unemployment rate, migration, mountain ecosystems.
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Publication Date: August 30, 2020