Geography and Natural Resources



Abstract. In the article, the dynamics of the num­ber of ethnos and the main factors affecting them have been examined, and their structural changes in the ad­ministrative regions have been studied in the economic-geographical region of Shaki-Zagatala. Historically, rep­resentatives of different nations lived in close pro­ximity to each other, and the formation of the ethnic composition of Azerbaijan has proved to be a long and complicated historical process under the influence of eth­nic and demographic factors. For this reason, his­to­ri­cal and geographical features of the historical and mo­dern settlement of ethnos in the region have been ana­lyzed. Taking into account the diversity of minorities in the region, multicultural issues have also been touched upon as a social phenomenon that strengthens credibility among different nations and balances ethnic relations. In the research material, the results have been noted re­la­ting to historical-geographical features   of ethonos in the Shaki-Zagatala economic region.


Keywords: National composition, ethnos, set­tle­ment, features of historical-geographical, mul­ti­cul­tu­ra­lism



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