Abstract. In the article, the dynamics of the number of ethnos and the main factors affecting them have been examined, and their structural changes in the administrative regions have been studied in the economic-geographical region of Shaki-Zagatala. Historically, representatives of different nations lived in close proximity to each other, and the formation of the ethnic composition of Azerbaijan has proved to be a long and complicated historical process under the influence of ethnic and demographic factors. For this reason, historical and geographical features of the historical and modern settlement of ethnos in the region have been analyzed. Taking into account the diversity of minorities in the region, multicultural issues have also been touched upon as a social phenomenon that strengthens credibility among different nations and balances ethnic relations. In the research material, the results have been noted relating to historical-geographical features of ethonos in the Shaki-Zagatala economic region.
Keywords: National composition, ethnos, settlement, features of historical-geographical, multiculturalism
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