H.L.Mustafabeyli, Y.R.Rahimov
Abstract. The article discusses the manifestations of the increasing regressive sequence of the scale of landscape varieties in the Sheki-Zagatala region, a decrease of biological productivity in the area, simplification of landscape structure, and decrease of ecological stability and solving pathways them. Possibilities of elimination of regressive manifestations by the implementation of health-improving phytomeliorative measures in accordance with landscape types, increase of natural landscape creator plants in different landscape zones of the region were studied and improvement and reconstruction of existing irrigation systems to eliminate regressive eco-geographical and biogeochemical tendencies in the natural and anthropogenic landscape complex existing in the territory of the economic region, it was agreed that there is a need to accelerate the drilling of transverse canals in the foothill areas and the application of drip method in the area. Through of using these methods, the solution of a problem that is important for the region can be fulfilled partially achieved, as well as maintaining a humidity level of the soil within the normal range, preventing the depletion of artesian and subartesian waters in the region.
Keywords: Regressive landscape, progressive landscape, anthropogenic landscape, landscape dynamics.
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Publication Date: December 15, 2021
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