Geography and Natural Resources


N.A.Pashayev, N.B.Artunov


Abstract. An industrial enterprises of Sheki distict  and its territorial organization have been studied in the article. Me­a­su­res implemented in the region within the framework of the State program of socio-economic development of the regions (2014-2018) are reviewed. The industrial po­tential of the district  was thoroughly explored and SWOT analysis of the area was conducted. The strengths and weaknesses of the industry’s devel­opment, as well as factors which  have been impeding or stimu­lating this development, all branches of in­dus­try, in­clu­ding food, light, construction industries have been wi­dely studied. The industry sectors map of area has been deve­loped, along with the existing in­dustrial fa­cilities ref­lec­ted on the map, and potential areas of their construction were high­lighted. For this purpose, satellite images have been used. The economic analysis of the district was car­ried out by obtaining in­tervals for years in each branch of the industry by using sta­tistical data. After ac­com­pli­shing SWOT ana­lysis in the re­se­arch area, a number of conclusions have been obtained, and the industry’s de­velopment prospects ha­ve been identified. At the end, re­levant proposals were offered to improve the industry of the region.


Keywords: industry of Sheki, SWOT analysis, re­mote sensing, territorial organization, participation of parties




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Publication Date : January 27, 2020

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