Geography and Natural Resources




Annotation. In the article we have analyzed the de­velopment and modeling of the Salyan urban landscape in terms of territory and population. In this case, the city’s topographic plan for 1975, satellite images for 2007, 2009 and 2021 were used. When analyzing the de­velopment of the city in terms of territory and popu­lation, its results, the multi-year dynamics of the city was identified. In addition to satellite and satellite ima­ges for 2007, 2009 and 2021, a topographic plan for 1975 was used to study the city’s territorial deve­lop­ment, the city’s territory was vectorized and the dyna­mics of the city’s territory was determined. Based on these results, the average annual indicator of the terri­torial dynamics of the urban landscape was determined. In order to determine the development of the city in terms of population, statistical indicators on the urban population have been analyzed since the end of the XIX century. The problems in the demographic development of medium-sized cities, the factors affecting them, so­cio-economic development and others have been stu­died, the demographic situation, the situation of the ma­jority have been analyzed and mapped. A map of land use in the urban landscape has been compiled and the results analyzed. It was concluded that the construction sites in the urban urban landscape cover more than 65% of the area. This is due to the fact that most of the buildings are low-rise houses.

 Keywords: urban landscape, Salyan city, urban mo­deling, satellite imagery, remote sensing.



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Publication Date: October 28, 2022

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