İ.A.Guliev, R.A.Huseynov
Abstract. The article is devoted to the scientific analysis of various soil-technological surfaces in various residential landscapes, taking into account the geological and geomorphological conditions of Baku. Unlike other areas, the city has a very complex mosaic structure. The main reason for this is the alternation of natural soil cover with technogenic soils. There are acute morphogenetic differences between these soils. It is also very difficult to map the formation of large and medium soils and technological surfaces in these areas. Although the soil-absorbing rocks are in the same functional zone, the basis is the uropedocomplex approach. Natural soils, mainly from the outskirts of the city, are transferred to sown areas for new technological surfaces.
Keywords: urban soils, urban pedocomplex, soil formation rocks, ecosystem, transformation, mapping, seliteb complexes/
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Publication Date: August 30, 2020