Z.N.Eminov, M.A.Teymurov
Abstract. The article is devoted to the study of water resources of the newly established East Zangezur economic region. Water resources were estimated using an innovative Complex Water Balance Method (CWBM) prepared based on the synthesis and modification of leading hydrological models. The whole research process is carried out only by remote sensing of multispectral satellite images of the territory. The advantages of the new method are its independence from observational data and spatio-temporal changes, as well as from the results obtained using computational, comparative, and probabilistic ArcGIS Pro software. The new methodologies take into account most of flow-forming factors affecting the volume of water resources. First, the runoff coefficients are determined, corresponding to various scenarios of complex morphometric, landscape, climatic, and other main factors, and then water resources are estimated in accordance with their distribution in the territory. As a result of the investigations, the water resources of the East Zangezur economic region were estimated at 1446,7 million m3. In the water balance of the region, 16,4% of atmospheric precipitations are spent on surface runoff, 15,8% — on underground feeding of rivers, and 67,8% — on evaporation from the catchment.
Keywords: water resources, water balance methods, hydrological soil groups, multispectral satellite images, LULC, normalized difference index
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Publication Date: May 20, 2022
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