Geography and Natural Resources


Sh.A.Hamzayev, M.A.Abbasova

Abstract. In the article, the ancientness of the topo­nyms in Gobustan region is being underlined. Starting from B.C., up to middle ages Gobustan had been visited by many high ranking conquerors from all over the world. Writings and marks by 12th Roman Legion, Greeks, and Arabs provide evidences for this fact. Of co­urse, in this regard, there are some historical to­po­nyms which have been illuminated in this writing.

Here Gobustan’s toponyms are studied from new viewpoint, and their historical sources as well as me­a­nings are explained. Especially essence of some new un­known toponyms are studied. Namely, Gobustan pet­ro­glyphs and its follow-up Gobustan carpet figures neces­sitate the acceptance of a fact that Azer­ba­ijan was the cradle of the humanity. Systematic analyses of the ima­ges substantiate this statement, and researches state that these monuments are more ancient than Sumerian and Orkhon-Yenisey monuments.

Keywords: Gabissan, Mugh, fire worshiper, grave, Zoroaster.



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Publication Date : January 27, 2020

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