Geography and Natural Resources



A.S.Mammadov, A.E.Bayramov, N.I.Aliyeva

[email protected], [email protected], [email protected]

Abstract. The article examines the problems that may arise in the water supply of settlements and in­dus­tries located on the Absheron Peninsula against the background of global climate change and a reduction in water intake from the Samur River. The Absheron Pe­ninsula is one of the most limited areas of the country in terms of water resources. There is very little rainfall on the peninsula, there are no surface water resources, most of the groundwater is salty. For this reason, the water supply of the Absheron Peninsula is completely carried out at the expense of imported water. Currently, on the peninsula, cities, villages, industrial zones, and arable lands are provided with water from 5 sources. Up to 70% of water supply to cities, villages, industrial zones, and arable land located on the Absheron Peninsula is carried out through the Samur-Absheron canal system. The ar­ticle examines the reduction in water resources of the Samur River and other rivers of the Samur-Devechi massif as a result of global climate change. In the Ab­sheron region, the problems of water shortages that may arise in 2020-2025 were investigated and appropriate preventive measures were proposed.

Keywords: water supply, rivers, water resources, water supply system, pumping station, net volume, cli­mate



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Publication Date: March 1, 2021

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