Geography and Natural Resources



Institute of Geography named after acad. H. Aliyev

Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences, 115 H. Javid ave, Baku, AZ1143

[email protected]


A b s t r a c t

A variety of alternatives of car fuels and technologies are on sale at present time. Nevertheless, the complex feature of ecological effects triggered by each alternative makes it a hard choice for customer or manager to find the most appropriate option. Even politicians can face issues with respect to comparative benefits of cleaner alternatives and their comparative impacts on transportation/fuel cycles. For this reason, the aim of current article is to estimate the life-cycle ecological effects of automobile fuels and accessible technologies and thus, to collate the cleaner alternatives with one another, along with the main stream fuel technologies. The results of this research provide suggestions for reducing greenhouse gas emissions from road transport in the Republic of Azerbaijan.

Keywords: Life-cycle evaluation, fuels and car alternatives, ecological effects, greenhouse gas emissions, road transport



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