Geography and Natural Resources



Baku State University

AZ 1148, Academic Zahid Khalilov street, 23, Baku city,

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This article discusses the fact that the natural landscapes of the Ganikh-Ayrichay valley and adjacent low mountains have undergone significant envi­ronmental changes as a result of centuries of anthropogenic transformation, as well as the ecological consequences of landscape transformation. Studies have shown that landscape transformation plays an important role in the inten­si­fi­cation of floods, landslides, and other negative degradation processes. The rapid growth of settlements in the region over the past century has increased the anthropogenic load on natural complexes, upset the ecological balance of landscapes, and accelerated the process of degradation. Various degradation processes caused by anthropogenic transformation constantly disrupt the balanced development of landscapes in accordance with an increase in anthropogenic loads, creating negative modifications of various reproducible origins in them. Correct management and regulartion of ecolo­gi­cal processes in various natural areas of the region make it possible to de­ter­mine the scientific basis for the balanced development of landscapes. The use of space methods in the study of modern landscapes is of great importance. In this regard, the research used satellite data from the US Geo­logical Survey (www/usgs/explorer), space images from different years, obtained through Google Earth and Sasplanet software developed by the Russian Federation. On the basis of GIS and decoding of space images, a modern landscape map of the Ganikh-Ayrichay valley and adjacent mountain areas has been compiled.



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Publication Date: December 15, 2021

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