Geography and Natural Resources


A.I.Ismayılov, A.Y.Yashar, F.M.Feyziyev

[email protected]

Abstract. The article considers the possibilities of using re­mote sensing data and geoinformation tech­no­logies in the process of monitoring and evaluation of oil-contaminated soils in the Absheron peninsula. Spectral properties were studied in images taken from the Sen­tinel-2 satellite in the blue, green, red and near-infrared spectra. The classification of remote sensing images we­re separated into 3 groups: < 0 water areas; 0-0.14 pol­luted and >0.14 recultivated or non-polluted areas. As a result of the study of the spectral characteristics of con­taminated soils on the basis of remote sensing and GIS were estimated that used method is a suitable way of as­sessing, mo­nitoring and mapping of oil-polluted soils. The high per­for­mance of the RS is promising and ef­fec­tive for identifying the oil-contaminated soils in the area of study.


Keywords:  soil, oil-polluted, remote sensing, Sen­tinel-2, spectral reflectance, GIS


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Publication Date: March 1, 2021

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