M.A.Mammadov, M.I.Yunusov, G.N.Hajiyeva
Abstract. The physical and chemical features in humus layer (0-20) of the mountain-chestnut soils prevalent in middle mountains of the Nakhichevan AR, the degree subjected to degradation and mays of their preventing are examined in the article. The influence of right and inclination of locality, lithological content of soil forming rocks and factors on intensity of degradation processes are studied. Comparative analysis with data of previous years have been carried out as well. Difficult terrain conditions, the degree of dismemberment of the slopes, the exposure of dry continental and very warm climate conditions, the frequency of moderately dry winds in summer in this belt, dry steppes, xerophytic bushes and steppe vegetation at an altitude of 1500-2000 meters above sea level are formed in these areas. The influence of height, inclinations, exposure, lithological composition of soil-forming rocks, the rule of implementation of agricultural work in the territory, the location of different types of farms and other factors affecting the intensity of the degradation process were studied. Also, comparative analyzes with previous years’ analysis data were carried out. Comparative analysis of the current data by using soil analysis data of previous years (1975-1988) was carried out in this area, too.
Keywords: soil, layer, granule metric content, mountain chestnut, humus, nitrogen, environment
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Publication Date : January 27, 2020