Abstract. The more ambitious economic reforms carried out in the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic in comparison with other regions of Azerbaijan, as well as the widespread involvement of natural resources in the economic turnover, gave an impetus to the development of the economy. For the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic, which is under blockade, the study and assessment of promising areas of economic development are of particular importance. In Nakhchivan AR, economic reforms are being carried out in order to increase GDP, build social infrastructure in accordance with modern requirements and improve the services provided, and provide the population with jobs. These reforms should help increase the production of export-oriented and competitive products, if not reduce Azerbaijan’s dependence on imported products. The adopted State programs were of particular importance in the implementation of economic reforms.
Cities with concentrated economic potential also play a leading role in the economic development of adjacent territories. Due to the long blockade of the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic, local raw materials and demographic potential were poorly used for economic development. The measures taken to develop industry during the period of economic reforms, changes in its territorial and sectoral structure made it possible to expand the production of products that meet domestic demand, create new jobs, and organize the processing of agricultural products.
Keywords: urban areas, economic development, regional development, economic reforms, population and labor resources, industries, economic region.
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Publication Date: December 15, 2021
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