F.A.Guliyev, L.A.Huseinova
Abstract. Pomegranate belongs to genus Punica L., to the pomegranate family (Punicaceae Horan.). Pomegranate belongs to dry and deciduous subtropical crops. Pomegranate bushes are often affected by many pests and diseases. Of the diseases, the most common are mycoses (fungal diseases). Among mycoses, rotten diseases are superior. The article provides data on research in the Ganja-Kazakh economic-geographical region of Azerbaijan. It was found that zithiosis fruit rot (Zythia versoniana Sacc.) is widespread on the pomegranate plantation, which causes significant damage to the productivity of the plantation and annually affects the yield and reduces economic efficiency of pomegranate growing in the republic. Zithiosis fruit rot is the most common pomegranate disease in the region. The specified disease directly affects the reproductive organs of the plant and negatively affects the presentation of the fruit and reduces its quality. It is quite obvious that only in 2019 in the Ganja-Kazakh economic-geographical region, the spread of this disease covered 24,5%, with an intensity of 7,4%.
Keywords: pomegranate, subtropical fruit crops, rotting, rotten pomegranate diseases, zytial fruit rot, control measures
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Publication Date: August 30, 2020