Z.N.Eminov, V.Z.Abbasova
Abstract. Human migration takes place as a result of political, economic and socio-demographic processes, and it significantly impacts on the demographic situation within a short period of time. In this connection, the regulation of migration as well as the management of this process in accordance with the requirements of economic development and demographic security of the country is considered to be a topical issue.
The economic challenges, typical for the early years of independence, as well as the aggravation of international relations lead to higher intensity of human migration in the country. During this period, intensity of migration was higher among the urban population while foreign countries were the main destinations.
However, the foreign migration has decreased in recent years in connection with the conducted economic and social reforms. Meanwhile, migration of population within the country continues. The population is concentrating mostly in the Absheron region, and this process hinders the development of other regions of the country. The article is devoted to the analysis of the migration processes in the country. Relevant recommendations on regulation of these processes are given as well.
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