S.O.Safarov, F.S.Dadashova
Abstract. Over last ten years in researches of regional climate changes there are applied measured values of extreme air temperatures. So as these values are changed in large diapason, their repeatability is smaller and the range of social-economical losses is connected with them. In this aspect in the article there has been held the assessment of the contemporary tendency of maximal and minimal air temperatures over Absheron peninsula. Therefore, there have been applied mean month values of maximal and minimal temperatures according to Mashtagha and Sumgayit HMSs’ data for the period on 1955-2014- 2017 y.y. There has been revealed that by maximal and minimal temperatures the more intensive warming has been occurred over the warm period of the year. As in great regions of the world, the warming in Absheron peninsula over last ten years also happens at the expense of more intensive growth of minimal air temperature.
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