Geography and Natural Resources


H.A. Khalilov, G.A.Imanova

Abstract. The landscape ecological potential of the Langabis Ridge and the surrounding territory is based on the correction of the coefficients of technogenic zo­nes (settlements, communications, etc.), crops, inclu­ding perennial plants, pastures, and hayfields. The relati­onships existing in different regions between natural ter­ritorial complexes and the economy and life of the po­pulation are very complex, and they are not always po­sitive. For example, the influence of some anthro­po­ge­nic factor on any component of the landscape can lead to a change in its entire structure and its functional ac­ti­vity. Along with this, the landscape, in turn, has a great influence on the nature of the activities of society, on the customs and psychology of the population. Therefore, nature conservation is of great importance, rational use of natural resources, protection and preservation of land­scape cover, restoration of degraded landscape com­ple­xes in their previous borders.


Keywords: landscape, ecological potential, cor­rec­tion factor, price criteria, degradation



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Publication Date: December 15, 2021

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