Geography and Natural Resources



S.T. Kazimova

[email protected]

Abstract. Assessment of the tourism and recre­a­tional potential of landscapes from the point of view of the development of the tourism industry in the modern world is one of the important issues. In this regard, the natural tourism-recreational potential of landscapes in the ter­ri­tory of Guba was evaluated during the research. At this time, all components of the landscape were analyzed. As a result of the analyzes, the elements affecting the rec­re­ational potential were grouped based on the point sys­tem. As a result, maps of tourist routes (itineraries) and natural tourism-recreational potential of landscapes of the Guba region were developed in the GI system using mo­dern technologies. According to the map of the natural tourism and recreational potential of the landscapes of the region, there are 4 divisions in the area: landscapes with very low, medium, relatively high, and very high recreational potential. 14 major routes (itineraries) were selected on the tourist routes map. At the same time, tourism facilities, which will attract tourists, have been taken into consideration as much as possible.


Keywords: Guba region, landscape, tourism and recreational potential, tourist routes (itinerary), tourism analysis in GIS



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Publication Date: March 1, 2021

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