R.M.Mammadov, G.I.Rustamov, M.J.Ismayilov, A.N.Isayev, A.M.Rustamova
Abstract. Based on many years of work in the field- and cameral analysis, ecochemical studies of the landscape were carried out in the Kura intermountain depression, one of the arid regions in the territory of the Republic of Azerbaijan. The study of the geochemical transformation of the landscape of the territory was rated as medium and strong (level 3), based on the macro- and micronutrient concentration and migration patterns found in the core, soil, vegetation and water samples, with using comparative and related research methods of landscape components. Relatedly, for the first time, a medium-scale “Ecogeochemical Landscape Map of the Kura Plateau” and a “Medical Ecogeochemical Landscape Map” were developed. The article describes the geochemical transformation features of the study area.
Keywords: Kura intermountain depression, geochemical landscapes, macroions, clarke concentration, microelements, vegetable concentrators.
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Publication Date : January 27, 2020