Geography and Natural Resources


R.M.Mammadov, G.I.Rustamov, M.J.Ismayilov, A.N.Isayev, A.M.Rustamova

[email protected]

Abstract. Based on many years of work in the field- and cameral analysis, ecochemical studies of the land­scape were carried out in the Kura intermountain dep­res­sion, one of the arid regions in the territory of the Republic of Azerbaijan. The study of the geochemical transformation of the land­sca­pe of the territory was rated as medium and strong (level 3), based on the macro- and mic­ronutrient con­cen­tration and migration patterns fo­und in the core, soil, vegetation and water samples, with using com­parative and re­lated research methods of land­scape components. Relatedly, for the first time, a me­di­um-scale “Eco­geo­chemical Landscape Map of the Kura Plateau” and a “Medical Ecogeochemical Land­scape Map” were developed. The ar­tic­le describes the geo­che­mical trans­formation features of the study area.


Keywords: Kura intermountain depression, geo­che­mical landscapes, macroions, clarke concentration, mic­ro­elements, vegetable concentrators.



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Publication Date : January 27, 2020

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