Geography and Natural Resources



S.H.Safarov, J.S.Huseynov, Z.G.Guliyev

[email protected]

Abstract. The article investigates the impact of global climate change on rainfall regimes in the in­ter­mountain of the Kur depression.. The study used rainfall and temperature monitoring data between 1991-2016 years for 15 hydrometeorological stations located in the region. Comparative analysis of the various rainfall in­dicators for the years (1991-2016) with the corres­pon­ding base values (1961-1990) was conducted. During the analyzes, multitudes were also considered for the 2 periods (1991-2004, 2005-2016), and the comparative characteristics of monthly, seasonal, and annual rainfall variations were given. Due to the different climatic con­ditions, special attention was paid to the rainfall regime of the Ceyranchol, the western, central, and coastal parts of Kura-Araz lowlands. The results show that the ave­rage annual temperature for the last 25 years was 13.40C in the western part of the province and 15.40C in the Kur-Araz lowland. Compared to 1961-1990, the average annual temperature increase over the period 1991-2016 was 0.70C. From 1991 to 2016, the annual amount of rainfall increased at Beylagan and Kurdamir stations and decreased at other stations relative to the norm (1961-1990). In some places, this indicator has even ri­sen to 22%. The results are presented by means of tables, graphs, histograms, and electronic maps. Increasing average annual temperatures and a significant decrease in rainfall in the Kura mountain depression province may result in future droughts, desertification, and lower groundwater levels.

Keywords: Climate change, mitigation, precipi­ta­tion amount, anomaly, norm, correlation, interpolation, trend



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Publication Date: March 1, 2021

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