S.H.Safarov, J.S.Huseynov, Z.G.Guliyev
Abstract. The article investigates the impact of global climate change on rainfall regimes in the intermountain of the Kur depression.. The study used rainfall and temperature monitoring data between 1991-2016 years for 15 hydrometeorological stations located in the region. Comparative analysis of the various rainfall indicators for the years (1991-2016) with the corresponding base values (1961-1990) was conducted. During the analyzes, multitudes were also considered for the 2 periods (1991-2004, 2005-2016), and the comparative characteristics of monthly, seasonal, and annual rainfall variations were given. Due to the different climatic conditions, special attention was paid to the rainfall regime of the Ceyranchol, the western, central, and coastal parts of Kura-Araz lowlands. The results show that the average annual temperature for the last 25 years was 13.40C in the western part of the province and 15.40C in the Kur-Araz lowland. Compared to 1961-1990, the average annual temperature increase over the period 1991-2016 was 0.70C. From 1991 to 2016, the annual amount of rainfall increased at Beylagan and Kurdamir stations and decreased at other stations relative to the norm (1961-1990). In some places, this indicator has even risen to 22%. The results are presented by means of tables, graphs, histograms, and electronic maps. Increasing average annual temperatures and a significant decrease in rainfall in the Kura mountain depression province may result in future droughts, desertification, and lower groundwater levels.
Keywords: Climate change, mitigation, precipitation amount, anomaly, norm, correlation, interpolation, trend
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Publication Date: March 1, 2021
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