Geography and Natural Resources


A.Sh. Mammadov, E.B. Javadzade, A.A. Bayramov, U.X. Shahmammadov, D.A. Hasanli


The article examines the problems in the water supply of settlements and industries in the Yevlakh–Neftchala part of the river against the background of global climate change and the increase in the volume of water taken from the Kura River. Global climate change in the world is seriously felt in the territory of Azerbaijan. Taking into account the growing demand for water in neighboring countries, the water supply to the country through the Kura and Araz rivers is expected to decrease sharply in the near future. With the construction of the Mingachevir and Khudafar reservoirs, the flow in the lower reaches of the Kura River has been fully regulated. As a result of the recent long-term drought and growing demand for irrigation, the cost of the ecological flow downstream of the Kura River has also declined sharply. As a result of all these complications, in the summer of 2019, for the first time in the history of hydrological observations, the flow of the Kura River did not reach the Caspian Sea. As a result of the emptiness of the riverbed, the salt water of the sea entered the channel and reached the city of Salyan.
Hydrological catastrophe in Russian rivers Kura created serious problems with the water supply of surrounding villages and arable lands. A sharp drop in the level of water in the river led to the penetration of saline groundwater with the adjacent territories into the river and a sharp deterioration in the quality of river water. The article examines the hydrological processes occurring in the lower reaches of the Kura River, as well as technical measures that must be taken to protect the ecological balance

Keywords: water supply, river, water resources, reservoir, sluice, channel, climate



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Publication Date: May 20, 2022

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