Geography and Natural Resources



Abstract. One of the most prone to mudflows in the world is the southern slope of the Greater Caucasus in the Republic of Azerbaijan. The formation of debris flows on these ter­ri­tories is more intense. This is due to heavy rains, and the rapid melting of snow within a short period of time, with the rise in temperature. Currently, the area of debris flow has increased by 2-2.5 times com­pared to 1940-70 years. For this reason, we conducted monitoring to determine the areas involved in the for­mation of mudflows in the Sheki region and caused the most dangerous mudflows, and achieved certain results. There is a high probability that the Kish River we study will be flooded by a tributary of Damarchin. It is very important to take timely measures to control mudflows. The results ob­ta­ined in the course of this work are of great scientific im­por­tance.

Keywords: Kish river, flood control, floodplains, river­bed, agriculture


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Publication Date: October 5, 2021

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