Geography and Natural Resources



Abstract. The aim of this study was to investigate basic physico-chemical properties (soil organic carbon, total nitrogen, pH, particle sizes, plant-available Ca, Mg, K and Fe) of Mountainous Chernozems in monoculture of different agricultural plants (potato, wheat, cabbage, beetroot, and carrot). The soil organic carbon content has decreased twice in comparison to natural grasslands. Si­milar situation was found for nitrogen distribution too. Regardless of the type of plants, the concentration of the studied elements both in surface and subsurface ho­ri­zons followed the sequence of Ca>Mg>K>Fe. Whereas the highest concentration of these elements was found in natural grasslands. Although a significant decrease was found in the concentration of those elements in ag­ri­cul­tural lands, the present nutrient status can be considered sufficient. The concentration of K in the surface layer under cabbage cultivation was eight times lower than the con­centration in the corresponding subsurface layer. The monoculture of different plants has affected not only organic matter and nutrient content but also particle si­ze distribution. A considerable increase in sand con­tent and decrease in clay content was found in the surface layer under agricultural plants.

Keywords: Soil organic carbon, regression, food elements, pH, granulometric composition, statistical analysis.



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Publication Date: October 5, 2021

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