Abstract. Climate change processes on the planet, assessment of the impact of these changes, and climate forecasting issues are in the focus of attention of world scientists and international organizations. The result is the creation in 1992 of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change in the city of Rio de Janeiro, and the “Kyoto Protocol” was adopted, which is considered the highest legal document in this area.
On the territory of the Republic of Azerbaijan, climate change has mainly been observed with increasing dynamics since 1980. Thus, according to the researches of R.Makhmudov (3), R.Verdiev (2), from the years of 1980 – 1982 in the annual dynamics of such basic climate indicators as temperature, precipitation, wind, etc., there are obvious changes, and since 1995 these changes have become more expressed. The main goal of the work is to determine the regional influence of climate change on the territory and the characteristics of the seasonal and annual distribution of the main climatic indicators. The research established the genetic and static dynamics of changes in the main indicators of climate change. Seasonal and annual features of climate change were determined taking into account their regional influence.
Keywords: Climate change, precipitation, temperature, regional influence, the share of maximum daily precipitation, seasonal temperature, seasonal precipitation.
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Publication Date: March 1, 2021
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